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You already know how to use eCabinet

The best thing about eCabinet is that you already know how to use it - eCabinet's single-purpose thin-server design makes it as easy to install as a network printer. And the configuration process takes a matter of minutes. Just assign an IP adress to eCabinet and it's available to your whole workgroup through your choice of Internet browsers.

Fast Document Retrieval

No more looking for lost faxes, mislabeled folders or endless e-mail attatchments. Just search for any document using the QuickList Feature - which shows the last 20 documents captured - or search by content, date or any combination of criteria. Search results are available in a variety of views:

List view presents a text list of the results, sorted by your choice of categories.

Stream view produces a visually stacked stream of the documents found. When the pointer passes over a document in the stream, this view provides a text summary of the document.

Thumbnail view provides a snapshot of each document in the search results.

Calendar view displays a date-oriented synopsis of the results.

Effortless Document Capture

Your entire daily flow of information is automatically captured through your existing peripherals - including printers, fax machines, scanners, copiers - anything connected to your network. It's then automatically filed by eCabinet for virtually unlimited storage, retrieval and document exchange. eCabinet is easily tailored to your needs by organizing documents into folders, through use of keywords or by setting up user groups within your organization. No more bulky file cabinets taking up valuable space in your office, and the networking of your shared information makes it easier to access from any authorized network location.

eCabinet is Scalable and Secure

eCabinet grows with your business via flexible storage options. It protects your important business documents from unauthorized access and automatically backs up your documents to protect you from data loss.




Flexible Document Capture Automatic or Manual All important documents are intuitively captured and stored
Accurate, Full Text Document Retrieval Find the information you need - when you need it - fast
Keyword Search Templates Organize and categorize your documents to suit your business process
Industry Standard Web Browser
User Interface       
Minimal familiarization requirements
Intelligent Document Archiving Simplified and cost-effective document storage
Strong Security Orientation Eliminates the possibility of unauthorized access to documents
Unlimited Storage Capacity Never worry about running out of document storage capacity

Software Credits
eCabinet software developed by Ricoh Silicon Valley, Inc.
OCR and image processing provided by Vividata Inc., Caere Corp. and their licensors
Database technology provided by Verity, Inc.
Lifestreams™ technology provided by Mirror Worlds Technologies, Inc.
PDF read technology provided by Acrobat 4.0 from Adobe Systems Inc.
Web server technology provided by Apache Software Foundation
Web browser technology provided by Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator Network-attached or PC-connected scanners
Operating system provided through FreeBSD
(Latest software revision is 1.1.1)
Product Specifications
Storage Capacity:
Online: Approx. 5 million documents
Offline: Unlimited (via DVD Ram, DVD Jukebox, or NFS Server)
Hardware Interface: 4x20 character LCD panel
Hardware Specifications:
Dimensions: 15.5" X 7.0" X 12.2"
Weight: 30 lbs.
Warranty: 1 year
Network Requirements: 10/100 BaseT TCP/IP Network
Input Sources:
  •  Network-attached copiers
  •  Network-attached or
     PC-connected scanners
  •  Internet FAX devices
  •  Networked Postscript or
     PCL printers
  •  SMTP Email systems
  •  More than 200 PC file type
PC Capture Requirements:
  •  Pentium II-based PC,
     200MHZ or greater
  •  64MB RAM or greater
  •  Windows 95, Windows 98,
     or Windows NT
  •  2 MBs of available disk space

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